Collection: Yu-Gi-Oh! Sealed

Trio TCG
Legacy of destruction booster pack [1st edition] (lede)
Each booster pack contains 9 cards. Cards may vary.
$3.00 USD $4.00 USD$3.00 USD$3.00 USD $4.00 USDRe-stocking soon -
Trio TCG
Legacy of destruction booster box [1st edition] (lede)
Each Booster Box contains 24 packs. Each pack contains 9 random cards. Cards may vary.
$70.00 USD$70.00 USD$70.00 USDRe-stocking soon -
Trio TCG
Valiant smashers booster box [1st edition] (vasm)
Each box contains 24 packs. Each pack consisting of 7 cards. Ordering a quantity of 12 will mean you will...
$50.00 USD $70.00 USD$50.00 USD$50.00 USD $70.00 USDRe-stocking soon -
Trio TCG
Power of the elements booster box [1st edition] (pote)
Cards may vary. Each booster box contains 24 packs. Each booster pack contains 9 cards. Orders containing 12 boxes will...
$40.00 USD$40.00 USD$40.00 USDRe-stocking soon -
Trio TCG
Cyber strike structure deck [1st edition] (sdcs)
Cards are listed on the starter deck.
$15.00 USD$15.00 USD$15.00 USDRe-stocking soon -
Trio TCG
Kaiba reloaded starter deck [unlimited edition] (yskr)
Card list can be found on the product.
$20.00 USD$20.00 USD$20.00 USDRe-stocking soon -
Trio TCG
Battles of legend: crystal revenge booster pack [1st edition] (blcr)
Each 5-card pack contains 5 random cards: 4 Ultra Rares and 1 Secret Rare. Pack artwork will vary by order.
$4.50 USD$4.50 USD$4.50 USDRe-stocking soon -
Trio TCG
Duelist nexus booster pack [1st edition] (dune)
We are so excited to have Duelist Nexus! Each pack contains 9 cards. Packs are loose packs from a booster...
$2.00 USD$2.00 USD$2.00 USDRe-stocking soon -
Trio TCG
Ghosts from the past mini box [1st edition] (gftp)
Each box contains 3 packs of 5 random cards.
$30.00 USD $32.00 USD$30.00 USD$30.00 USD $32.00 USDRe-stocking soon -
Trio TCG
Duelist nexus booster box [1st edition] (dune)
We are so excited to have Duelist Nexus! Ordering a quantity of 12 will mean you will get a sealed...
$35.00 USD$35.00 USD$35.00 USDRe-stocking soon